Welcome To The Joy Bank!
Hello and thank you for participating in The Breakthrough Show Network JOY BANK where you can deposit and withdraw all the joy you need. To participate, please use the form below to “Deposit Your Joy”. Your joy can be about ABSOLUTELY anything! When you click “Deposit Your Joy”, your submission will be available in our Joy Bank for everyone, including you, to ‘withdraw’ all the joy they’d like!
Note: It will be up to the discretion of The Breakthrough Show Network and its staff to moderate, approve, and deny all submissions.
Welcome to The Joy Bank! Click the heading above to access our deposit slip and “DEPOSIT” some joy by sharing something in this moment that is bringing joy to your life. You may “WITHDRAW” joy at any time by scrolling to the bottom of the page where you’ll be able to partake in other people’s deposits or maybe even remind yourself of past joys you’ve experienced. There is no limit to the number of deposits you can make, we just ask that you keep them high-vibe and enJOY yourself!
Withdraw Your Joy Below!
Food brings me joy today because I have been eating lots of bananas and I realize how much I LOVE bananas! Plus food lets me share with people!
Community Matters

I’m so blown away by the surprise graduation party given to my oldest daughter yesterday by the dance studio she takes classes at. It has been a rollercoaster moving back home to CT but yesterday’s kindness really shows me why we are here and just how amazing it is when you surround yourself with the right people! There’s SO much joy in community!
Music makes me happy because I get to sing and dance with my family!
Me and my family bring me joy because they’re super sweet!
Pleasant Surprises
As many of you all know, the DMV is not always the greatest place to deal with. However, I decided to finally found the strength to call them today to see how much I still had left to pay on some citations I owed. All this anxiety to call them, and when I called them today, I was greeted with wonderful news!!!! I only owe a reinstatement fee to be able to get my license back. WHAT?!!! Talk about a pleasant surprise! I don’t know where the rest of the money I owed went, but I can tell you that the joy I have experienced today in not having to pay so much money is immeasurable!
A Space for Joy
It brings me immense JOY every single day to simply be a conduit for it. Project Joy LIVE and this Joy Bank, and the privilege it has been for me to even create them, is something I don’t take for granted. It’s a safe, joyful, and yummy pool of joy that’s just waiting for you to dive in!
Scary moment and having so much support
I was running around Monday, doing my errands with a bit lower energy than I would have liked, but needed that Chiro adjustment and to return some items to the ROSS store. I popped into Walmart for a couple of things, grabbed a cart, and found a billfold sitting in the child’s seat area, opened it, and saw some credit cards. I immediately went to the Customer Service desk and handed it in and thought somebody is going to be missing this for sure. Went about my way. Got my items. Next stop ROSS to return a few items and take a quicky look. Found a white shirt/cover I’ve so been looking for and a couple of pairs of jeans to try. That’s enough. Headed to the desk to return and check out. Looked at the time, I’m doing great. Reached in my purse pocket for my keys, but they weren’t there. Panic begins. I know I put them there. Tearing apart my purse, bag, and return bag, asking others if they have seen any keys on the floor? Oh crap, my home with my spare key is not close by nor is anyone to pick it up for me. A couple of ladies in line immediately assist me. The panic is building. I’ve got groceries in the car already and it’s like 90 degrees already. I go out to look around my car to see if they fell outside. I meet the 2 ladies again. They tell me to go in and have them go on the loudspeaker and announce my lost keys so everyone can look. So I did. And I continue to search the store. Now i get on my phone and connect with my Family. I’m too frazzled to get clear info, and need assistance. And there they are, helping me think, calming me down. and then the cashier finally says Mam, someone turned your keys in. I just said OMG thank you so much. No questions, where? didn’t matter. I was so grateful. Got in my car, my heart still racing, as my beautiful friend Teresa reminded me to bring my energy in, breathe, and center. I wait till I’m aligned again. And continue on. Feeling so much Joy and gratitude for all the Angels who showed up to assist me on all levels. the 2 goddesses I met after this, that blessed me with compliments on the Joyful blouse I was wearing. It was a good day.
Blessed Blessings
I’ve experienced some rough times over the past few years, but this year has brought so many blessings my way. It all started with Jessica creating my website for me, and since then, countless small acts of kindness have come my way. I’ve received orders exactly when I needed the money, and my neighbor arranged to have someone fix my door for free. Another kind soul brought me an air conditioner without any charge. Today, my neighbor up the street approached me with wonderful news. Her daughter works at a salon called “Expressions,” which has an annual event called “Expressions of Love,” where they select several families in need to help. My neighbor thought of me for this year’s event. I am overwhelmed with joy and feel truly blessed by all these acts of kindness! My heart is full <3
For most of you that know me, I don’t get much sleep. For the last two days, I finally got some sleep! The pure JOY of the simple things! 😊

SO much joy as I’m waking up this morning after my oldest daughter graduated! What a beautiful moment!
Joy Is ME!
Today, I am SO proud of myself. I have continued to show up for myself for the last 196 days and today I complete 1 week of my current program. I have been productive. I have taken care of myself. I have loved myself SO hard. And the best part is that it’s all because of MY moment to moment choices.
The JOY Bank
OMG!!!…This JOY Bank is the BEST!!!…After speaking with Jessica the first time, she directed me to this space on her site and I am OH SO GRATEFUL and DELIGHTED she did…A few of my sayings, as Spreader of the HAPPY, are (1) A HAPPIER ME makes a HAPPIER WE, (2) YOUR HAPPY is MY HAPPY, and (3) When ONE of us WINS–WE ALL WIN, and this space embodies just that…I LOVE brining the HAPPY to others and in doing so it comes back to me in OH SO MANY WAYS!!!…Thanks Jessica and to ALL who participate in the JOY Bank…Hugs and Smiles
I am just beyond grateful
I am just beyond grateful for the amazing family and friends that I have. I feel so blessed 🥰
Special Friends
It’s rare to come across people who do not only become friends, but your biggest supporters. Brittany is that person for me. Today, she went above and beyond the call of friendship when she took my place at the WorldBuilding EXPO when I couldn’t be there. And not only that, but I watched her completely blossom stepping into this leadership and I was SO incredibly proud. Brittany being there provided me with a peace I didn’t know I would need until the day was in full swing. Bonus? The first day of the expo was amazing! My heart is so full. <3
Mother Nature
I thank Mother Nature on a daily basis for all the magnificient creatures she shares with me. Just this morning, I opened my door and there was an oriole perched on my chair. We were so close I could have almost touched it. What a blessing to witness such incredible beauty. It always makes me smile to watch the splendor of wildlife in action.
I’m grateful that my mom got me the Bluey stuffy because it’s my favorite show and he’s very soft! I am really excited that it is almost my birthday… that makes me joyful!
Granddaughter’s Joy
Whenever I visit my 2-year-old granddaughter, she immediately takes my 4 gemstone bracelets off my wrists and puts them on herself. So, I put together 4 smaller bracelets just for her and gifted them to her on Mother’s Day. She was excited to put them on but then wanted to take mine still but we told her, No, these are grandma’s and those are yours.’ You should have seen her face when she put it all together and fully realized that she had bracelets of her own, one an exact copy of one of my bracelets. She danced and paraded all through the room with the biggest smile and was brimming ear to ear when we took a picture of her with her new bracelets. That really was a joy to experience. Oh my heart, her joy was so big and radiant. Woot woot.
It’s all JOY
Friendship… routine… support… family… self-love… envisioning… FLOW.
Connecting With Family
One of my goals is to connect more with family and friends, instead of working all the time. I have been able to re-connect with my cousin Tabatha, through the new office building downtown. She is helping me fix it up and she is going to rent part of the space and create a store that she has been dreaming of for a long time. It is such a blessing to have her there with me.
My Choice
Today on the anniversary of 9/11 and the day after a heated presidential debate here in the US, I am leaning even further into the fact that joy is my choice. The fact that it is a choice, as redundant as it sounds, brings me SO SO SO much JOY!! SHINE YOUR LIGHT!!!
I am SO SO SO excited that our site got a facelift today!!

This joy bank brings me an immense amount of joy! I’m so excited to have a safe space to both share my own joy and soak in the joy of others!
While I’m still working through my other eye challenges, I found out yesterday my retina tear HEALED ON ITS OWN!!! WOOOHOOO!! NO SURGERY FOR ME! 😀
The Joy of LIFE
I’m so thankful for life and that my daughter is alive and well. I’m thankful for everyone who has sent good vibes AND also for everyone who is helping her healing and continued wellness.